Tis the season! To overseed that is…
Each fall we are presented with a 1-2 week optimal window (in October) when we can begin to grow winter rye. The greener look of this cool season grass is aesthetically pleasing for sure, but also allows turf to grow on tee boxes and the range top during the early spring. This allows for more playable conditions and practice areas in March and April. The ‘cost’ is not only in the seed itself, but the process requires prepping the turf for spreading seed. There are two strategies we employ, one is to mow down (scalp) the area to give seed a head start towards soil contact and successful germination, the other is to simply drop the seed and add water!
The seed needs sun (chlorophyll) and water to get going so getting it down before DST is crucial, plus we have been afforded a dry forecast which allows seed to stay where we want it to grow. Untimely rains can cause seed to be washed away, so a dry spell and cooling temps have given us our optimal window. If you are considering cultivating a green lawn this winter, now is the time to overseed!
At Indian Creek Golf Club, the Creek course tee boxes plus lawn and practice areas will be overseeded, while the Bermuda fairways will not be. This allows for weed prevention practices to take place, as overseeding prevents this ‘clean up’ step in our turfcare plan, so for this off season we will allow fairways to go dormant to focus on weed control. The course will play ‘faster’ due to the lack of growth during the off season, so plan to step back to the next set of tees or simply enjoy shots that roll out farther and a course that plays shorter!

Overseeded fairways don't play as fast and don't allow for weed control practices. But they sure look good!